“We cast down imaginations and every high thing that
exalts itself against God and bring every thought captive to the obedience of
Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)
It is not within the scope of this
essay to bolster my ideas with specific facts here, though I have composed
numerous other articles which address that purpose. My first proposal then is for
secularist assumptions to be confronted whenever they commit logical fallacies.
For example, notice how they commit the double-standard
fallacy in terms of 1) morality, by denying it as a binding standard for
themselves, while imposing imperatives onto others, 2) tolerance, by their demanding
it of others while at the same time they refuse to tolerate the latter’s views,
and 3) science, by touting their own commit-ment to science, even though they refuse
to yield to the genetic and the blood-type indicators which prove that the
fetus who is in the womb is a person independent of the mother, and secondly, they
ignore the genetic code (DNA) and the anatomical structure of transgender
persons and the bearing of those facts on gender identity, specifically with
respect to accessing appropriate shower facilities.
Second, elevate the critical connection
between both the largely successful free society that we enjoy, and the brilliant
vision by our founding fathers that is laid out in our Constitution and the
Bill of Rights. Even further, I urge elevating
that these documents alone have the capacity to enhance liberty for all in the
face of the biblical truism that ALL people are sinners. In addition, highlight the intellectual incongruity
of any notion that the liberties we ALL enjoy will be advanced in any way by
the anarchist challenge that is now confronting us.
Third, illuminate the sharp contrast
in visions between the two political parties by highlighting in no uncertain
terms the failure of the Democrat party to defend either the citizens of our
country or the Constitution itself. We
are in a life-or-death battle with respect to the immediate future, similar to what
Moses stated at the end of his life:
“I call heaven and earth to witness
against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and
curse. Therefore choose life that you
and your offspring may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying his voice and
holding fast to him.” (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)
Given the present intellectual
deterioration of our culture in the present, it is foolish to imagine that the cultural
indicators which ushered Donald Trump into the first term of his Presidency
will issue in a similar outcome this coming Fall. It is similarly naïve to believe that
Christian revival will ever come about in the neglect of evidential truth. In either case, the Holy Spirit who leads
people into truth (John 16:13), employs truth in all its facets precisely
in order to bring His positive transformation about.
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