Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Why our Culture Cannot Have its Cake While Devouring it! Pt. 2

Part 2

As for the first error, it is astonishing that at the same time that secularism is throwing off the restrictions that attend moral statutes grounded on traditional religious authority, with all the fury of the religious fanatics whom they decry, it is quick to impose an altogether new roster of imperatives onto society.  This one can only consist of rules grounded on naively selfish[1] feelings and drives that carry no metaphysical weight at all, or the threat of an autocratic government which, as Mao Zedong once stated, enforces its will through “the power of the gun.”[2]  The suggestion that autonomous[3] humans can evade this dilemma on the assumption that we are intellectually objective and morally good is entirely untenable in view of the clear track-record of the entire human race.[4]  In sum, those who would throw off morality in order to achieve self-freedom seem oblivious to the reality that they are merely replacing a morality-based code with a self-centered bundle of demands by which to impose their external power onto the rest of society through the force of government.  The irony is palpable.
                Even more bewildering, secondly, is the propensity of secularists to relegate scientific data to a pragmatic[5] (as opposed to absolute) role, thereby betraying their true indifference toward the authority that scientific data rightly deserves.  It is after all because of its long-recognized reverence of science as the ultimate arbiter in matters of truth, that secularism derides “religious people” for elevating creedal declarations above scientific facts.  I for one affirm the right of scientists to reach scientific[6] conclusions according to where the evidence actually leads, independent of religious dogma.[7]  So it is galling to hear of derision from secularists that Christians oppose science[8] when, in fact, the former suppress the same data insofar as it conflicts with, for example, the political/social transgenderism (TG) movement.  Not only have TG members insisted on the right to use whichever shower room each person desires; they also demand that the rest of society address TG members by the gender of each individual’s preference, irrespective of their plumbing.  In addition they insist everyone else deny clearly discernable biological facts so as to blindly follow the mounting wave of “lemmings” off the cliff.  All the while, the objectively-verifiable facts that pertain to genetic and anatomical realities are altogether ignored.[9]
Furthermore, it is not merely overt proponents of this movement, but also public educators bearing the obligation to teach students critical thinking skills in the light of knowable truths yet who instead propagandize them to ignore truth in violation of the consciences of the latter.  Tragically, in addition the scientific community which is deemed by all to be the very guardian of scientific insight, instead stands by in utter silence thereby allowing this intellectual travesty to prevail unchallenged.  Yet none of these errors are subtle or complex to such a degree that demands formal teaching in philosophy in order to discern their fallacies.  Both errors violate the golden rule of “doing unto others what you would wish to be done unto you” (Romans 2:1-3), while the second one also entails selectively picking which evidence to believe and which to ignore according to one’s personal preferences.  The Apostle Paul’s first reference to sin in his Letter to the Romans identifies it as the suppression of evidence (from the testimony of nature in this case) of a kind that has the power to convict sinners of His existence (Rom. 1:18-20).  Indeed the entire second half of Romans ch. 1 lays bare the core reality in narrative form that the act of turning away from God leads ultimately to irrational outcomes on a host of levels.                                                    To be continued 

[1] That is to say that at the same time that they may be idealistic, they evade the notion of being accountable to a higher judge.
[2]Every Communist must grasp the truth that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" and, “Our Principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party,” are statements from Chairman Mao Zedong in his message, Problems on War and Strategy found at the website: Mao Zedong on War and Revolution.
[3] Op.cit. (5).
[5] Pragmatism considers whether a given proposition seems beneficial as opposed to whether it is actually true.
[6] That is, scientific conclusions only. Theological conclusions are based solely on revelation which is manifest through the Bible.
[7] See my essay, “Defusing the Alleged Conflict Between Scientific Fact and the Text of Genesis 1,” which can be accessed, together with all of my essays, at my website:
[8] I do concede that Christians partly contribute to the secularist’ impression I just described by their misinterpreting Scripture. See my essay, “Does the Bible Permit Denigrating Science in order to Maintain our Faith?” Ibid.
[9] See my letter to the editor of the Everett Herald, “Self-Contradictory Policies of ‘Liberal’ Transgenderism Public Policy.” Op.cit. (20).

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Why our Culture Simply Cannot Have its Cake While Devouring it! Pt. 1

The irreconcilability of irrationality with reality is a strong indication that secularism’s days are numbered.

                Technologically-educated people may very well appreciate science fiction as an escape from the pressures of everyday life, or as a catalyst for one’s imagination to think outside of the box; but they won’t ordinarily[1] seek from it the details to solve concrete problems pertaining to the actual world (e.g. getting to the moon and then back!).  Despite perceptions of events at the quantum level implying, for example, to Niels Bohr that humans by their very observations make light behave differently than it would if we weren’t watching it, sober scientific reflection says otherwise.[2]  Humans can’t create reality.  Neither can we even manipulate it in violation of the laws of physics or even nature in general.
                The 41 story, 514 foot Rainier Tower in Seattle, Washington rests on a base that is far narrower than are its horizontal dimensions.  On first sight it would seem to be extremely vulnerable to toppling, especially in the middle of the earthquake-prone Puget Sound region.  Yet despite its apparent defiance of the laws of gravity when observed at ground level,[4] the extensive cement base that extends downward 87 feet below grade and is surrounded by the appropriate rock and gravel fill, has ensured that it would stand secure, just as it indeed has for over 40 years.  It is certain that no contractor would ever construct a structure (as opposed to compose a fiction) that was in defiance of the facts of nature and reality.  Yet our increasingly autonomous[5] culture imagines that it can ignore time-tested rational principles in its determination to create a new (utopian) society.
From the initial rupture of public sexual boundaries in the “60s,” all the way to the denial in certain cases[6] of even a semblance[7] of boundaries, including both personal[8] and nationalistic[9] ones, in a span of just six decades, we are witnessing the disintegration of both the glue[10] and the discriminative[11] tools that are absolutely vital for holding civilizations together.[12]  Our culture is currently entangled in two fundamental self-contradictory errors, the first of which commits gross logical inconsistencies, while the second entails seeking to create “new realities” on the basis of metaphysical[13] impossibilities.                                                                   To be continued...

[1] There are exceptions. See
[2] Hugh Ross. The Creator and the Cosmos: How Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal God, 3rd ed. (RTB, 2018), pp. 153-4.
[5] A self-guided conscience and will that is independent from either from God or morality.
[6] With respect to certain perspectives on sexual identity and “identity politics.”
[7] As of February 13, 2014, ABC News writer Russell Goldman identified 58 gender options for Facebook users (
[8] In the 60s the societal plea was for acceptance of homosexuals (HS). In the 70s the demand was shifter to affirming as a valid lifestyle. In the 80s it was demanded that HS couples be treated as married couples if they so desired, which then led to the insistence that HS marriage be declared the equivalent in both status and privilege to heterosexual marriage. Nowadays, in violation of the facts of biology, the classical view of two genders has been utterly discarded in virtually all legal and socio-political contexts.
[9] Vocal advocates of the Democrat political party with virtual unanimity decry the concept of controlled borders between the U.S. and Mexico.
[10] In June of 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded due to the failure of the glue in the “O Ring seals,” thereby killing the entire crew.
[11] The very fact that popular culture decries the notion of discrimination is in itself an indication that our society is in the process of intellectual disintegration. Although popular culture takes the term to stand for employing a double-standard as to how separate parties of people can treated unequally, the term actually stands for employing both a fair and thoughtful standard for picking between options on the basis of the best available evidence that is independent of personal preferences.  In the absence of such reflection, mistakes are sure to follow.
[12] Social critic C.P. Snow once stated, “Civilization is hideously fragile and there’s not much between us and the horrors beneath, just about a coat of varnish.” Cited in the American Family Journal, (November, December, 1991), p. 19.
[13] This strange but useful word pertains to the question of the relationship between matter and spirit.  In contrast with philosophical material-ism which holds that existence consists ONLY of matter, Christianity holds that God (Himself being spirit in essence according to John 4:24) created not only material things but also soulish creatures (human beings and angels) and non-material yet impersonal entities such as language, reason, moral standards, etc.  The term metaphysical can also refer to the potential interrelationship between matter and spirit.