Saturday, July 11, 2020

Our Perversely Pervasive Neglect of Persuasion, part 2

We cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against God and bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”      (2 Corinthians 10:5)

The primary context surrounding this essay concerns the upcoming U.S. Presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump this coming November.  Although the schism distinguishing the sympathies between these candidates are just as sharp and narrow as any of the past races in recent decades, several circumstances stand out now as utterly unique, including first of all our ongoing experience of a persistent pandemic from the Coronavirus.  Relevant to the potential outcome of this outbreak with respect to the election is that Biden’s campaign is blaming the virus’ economic impact on Trump’s early decision to substantially shut down businesses for the purpose of staving off its’ spread. 
As if this were not enough however, our society is also wallowing in a deepening mire of cultural dissolution, the moral decay of which, amazingly, is merely a symptom of its’ intellectual disintegration.  This crisis began in reaction to a torturous murder of compliant George Floyd (a black person) by four policemen who apprehended him for a misdemeanor.  What has followed has by no means been limited to a peaceful protest against one incident of police brutality, but instead, at a material level, entailed overwhelming destruction to multiplied blocks of property over a multitude of cities across our land.  At a personal level, many innocent lives have been terrorized, some to the point of murder, while police too have been roundly taunted even as some have also been murdered.  At the same time multitudes of businesses have been destroyed, many permanently.  Finally, at an intellectual level, as one voice put it, “We are witnessing the suicide of civilization.”[1]  To offer simply one glaring example of the resulting insanity, it is proposed not merely by a fringe minority of society, but by a substantial portion of our voting population, that police be banished altogether.  Yet such a suggestion is obviously senseless.  One has merely to witness the rioting on TV in the absence of any opposition that has the capacity to stop it, is all by itself a vivid illustration of a neighborhood that is overseen solely by thugs.
The downhill slide of culture illustrated above is exactly what the Apostle Paul predicted in Rom. 1:18f.  The flip side of this intellectual coin is stated in Proverbs 9:10 which declares, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.  Yet to return to St. Paul, he sought to instill the practical means for recovering people who, by their rejection of God, now recline in a bed of nonsense.  2 Corinthians 10:5 suggests that appealing to manipulative strategies alone cannot restore society to sanity.  Wisdom of a kind that leads to harmony on earth grounds its transformation on harmonizing with the Maker and Redeemer of all of creation (Romans 12:2).  I am not writing this in order to advocate proof texting every argument with biblical passages, but rather, in the name of Christ, that we seek and speak truth where-ever it can be found, even as we must also confront and undermine falsehood.  Society cannot change for the better unless confidence can be restored that our populace is being instilled with a conviction that conservativism in general more successfully harmonizes with reality than does leftist liberalism.

To be continued...

[1] James Burnham. Liberalism…is the ideology of Western suicide.” ( the_assault_on_civilization_498524.html).

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