Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Fact of Jesus' Historical Resurrection part II

Our culture has a huge problem.  For all our boasting otherwise, we nevertheless care far too little about matters of truth.  Just this morning I had a conversation with my atheist friend Jim who, in the context of the recent election of the new pope (Pope Francis), decried his observation that the Roman Catholic Church will, in sexual matters, continue their outmoded opinions in opposition to a new wave of (secular) thinking which is gaining in momentum.  Ironically, just this last minute on the radio it was announced that the acceptance of the concept of homosexual marriage is increasing in popularity across all ages of people.  I replied to Jim that faddish movements are not necessarily driven by careful thinking.  It is critical, I said, that people actually think for themselves and explore the specific facts of the case at hand (see my blog dated March 18, 2013 at as opposed to blindly following the pack.

As for the case for Jesus’ resurrection, just a week ago I observed a debate on the existence of God between a world-renowned atheist thinker (Dr. Peter Singer) and scientist and Christian, Dr. John Lennox.  I expected to disagree with Singer’s position.  Yet I also expected him to get his facts right.  But I was disappointed the entire debate about this matter.  Now I will limit my comments here to one issue only.  I was quite frankly appalled to listen to Dr. Singer speak so eloquently on the one hand, yet so ignorantly on the other, about the state of evidence concerning Jesus.  He argued that there was virtually no evidence.  Yet in reality he did not get a single fact correct concerning the story of Jesus.  To believe or not believe in Jesus is of course his choice.  But given the state of current scholarship on what we can confidently know about Jesus, there is little excuse for his doubting the truth of the broad outline of His life, death, and the empty tomb.  He really needs to read up on this matter.

New Testament scholar Dr. Gary Habermas (I have had the privilege of visiting briefly with him) has made a list of twelve historical facts that are conceded to be true by even the harshest of critics, all of which point inescapably to the truth that Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day.  These facts include:  1) Jesus died by crucifixion.  2) He was buried.  3) His disciples despaired.  4) The tomb was discovered to be empty.  5) The disciples became convinced that they experienced the risen Jesus.  6) They were transformed from doubters into bold proclaimers, who lived and died for his message.  7)  Jesus’ resurrection was their central message.  8) They proclaimed their message in Jerusalem where the facts of the matter could be investigated.  9) The church grew against all odds, and without the means of either sword or governmental power.  10) Their worship day moved from Saturday to Sunday.  11) James, Jesus’ skeptical brother was converted after seeing the risen Jesus.  12) And Saul the great enemy of Christianity was converted and became a most loyal disciple too.

These facts point in one direction only.  Indeed Christ Jesus is risen from the dead!

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