Monday, March 18, 2013

Applying the Scientific Method to Redefining Marriage

“Test everything”
(1 Thessalonians 5:19)

Just this morning over coffee, an atheist friend of mine asked me what I thought about the new pope.  He volunteered his concern that Pope Francis was continuing the same outmoded position of his predecessors that homosexual marriage is wrong.  And he suggested that the old line of thinking of the Catholic Church actually runs in the opposite direction of the new wave of thinking that is building and gaining momentum.  I replied that movements are not necessarily driven by legitimate, serious reflection, and that in this case in particular, there is very little thinking at all!  The letter that appears below exposes the double-standard that is so prevalent in our time where, in contrast to their diligent research in other matters, many of the social movers in our society fail to consider the potential ramifications that follow from redefining marriage.   Indeed, I fear they don’t even know what the questions are.  But I will now let my letter to the editor of the “Everett Herald” speak for itself.  This entire matter is heightened most recently by both Ohio Senator Rob Portman’s reversal of opinion on this matter, and Hillary Clinton’s outspoken support for homosexual marriage.

Dear Editor, 
As I write this letter I am hearing news of a highway project being halted because of the discovery of an insect!  Examples of caution abound in the construction world whenever projects are proposed, all with the question whether they might disrupt the natural order.  That is as it should be.  But when it comes to redefining marriage no such caution exists at all.  The pro-homosexual marriage column on the front page of the Opinion section of Sunday’s Herald failed to address even one potential damaging consequence of redefining marriage.  Tragically this same failure to address consequences is repeated across the entire movement, including editorial writers and politicians.  Homosexuals have the right to live as they choose.  Accommodating visitation privileges for loved ones is a reasonable request that society can work to achieve.  But the utter lack of reflection, and the judgment of politicians that the overthrow of traditional marriage is the only way to achieve that goal, must all be judged as gross incompetence.

Drop the nonsensical straw-man assertion that redefining marriage has no impact on existing married couples.  No straight person argues otherwise.   The harm goes to children and young people in need of a time-tested vision of what it means to one day marry and have a family.  The harm also extends to parents who struggle to instill this vision.  Government must not stand in their way, most especially with the kinds of leaders that are intent on blindly pushing their agenda ahead with no foresight at all.

Rev. Gary Jensen (Zion Lutheran Church, Snohomish, WA)

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