Thursday, March 7, 2013

No reconciliation. No Truth. No Bible Either!


In anticipation of my essay being met with resistance by certain of my brothers and sisters in Christ, I want to assure readers that I believe the Book of Genesis to be the revealed Word of God.  I write this blog for the sake of the lost.  By “lost” I do not mean those who reject the 24-hour-day interpretation of Genesis (I reject such an attitude which de-Christianizes “old-earthers”).  By “lost” I mean instead the multitudes of people who find it impossible to consider the claims of Jesus Christ because certain outspoken Christian groups equate true belief in God with embracing an utterly discredited view of the cosmos.  Such pressures force people to choose between believing in God OR using their brains, a decision that the Bible never remotely demands.  The “young earth” view is in fact refuted by a host of measurements (distances to the billions of other galaxies measured in light years, etc.) that have absolutely nothing to do with Darwinism.  Because I do believe that Genesis is entirely true, in the three blogs that will follow, the final two titles will be changed to “Reconciliation, Truth, and the Bible Too!  But it is urgent first of all that Christians repent of the kinds of logical fallacies and interpretational and exegetical errors that have placed a major stumbling block in the way of receptivity to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  How tragic it is that Christianity is largely sidelined today in the face of our decaying secular culture, especially since full-bodied Christianity has the truth on its (our) side!  We Christians ought rather to suit ourselves up for the offence in the face of the present battle!  Hence, the necessity for the first of three installments that will be posted soon.  Stay tuned.

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