Friday, January 15, 2021

We Didn’t Get to Our Moon with Leftist “Rationality”

And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct.” (Romans 1:28) 

        We didn’t land on two moon plus two other planets,[1] or study the outer planets on the way out into space by means of Leftist illogic.  Neither did the technology giants,[2] who determine to straight-jacket communication on social media according to what they deem are acceptable facts and opinions, develop their working technology by embracing the same irrationality they are imposing onto all of us. 

Those specific standards which had guarded societal rationality down through time are now being discarded at an accelerating rate.  Empirical[3] facts for example, aren’t only being dis-regarded at will; but are selectively being purged from public discourse, even as we citizens are being badgered into accepting as true their claims, despite being demonstrably false.  In addition the First Principle of rationality known as The Law of Non-Contradiction,[4] is effectively, selectively[5] being ignored at will.

In a Fact Check column that has just been introduced in our local Summerset, Pennsylvania newspaper, The Daily American, titled “Biden Has Condemned Violence Before,” Camilla Caldera cited several instances documenting his decrial of violence this past Summer.  The real problem with her assertion, however, is her failure to assign the blame for the nightly rioting on the streets to both Antifa and, to a lesser extent, Black Lives Matter, and secondly to the Democrat mayors and other municipal leaders.  Indeed Biden was quoted as saying, “I condemn violence of every kind by anyone on the left or the Right.  And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same.[6]  This chronic failure of Biden to speak to the full truth leads logically to the reaction by the Left to denounce Donald Trump’s speech that preceded (only chronologically) the rioting that occurred at the US Capitol on January 6 (2021).  The Left thereby committed two gross rational errors that led them to frame those events as being directly incited by Donald Trump’s speech.  Firstly, they quite clearly refused to watch his speech with the care and open mind that any scientific investigation required.  And they took no responsibility to specify which specific aspects of his speech it was that incited the rampage.  Secondly, the Left refused to accept blame for the one hundred nights of rioting in regions that were under the jurisdictions of Democrat leadership.  This posture likewise violated the scientific principle of the necessity of assembling and assessing the entire body of the evidence.

Further examples of sub-rational conduct by people who ought to know better, can be found in my blog posting, “Leftism’s Claim to be Champions of Science is a Gigantic Fraud.”[7]  Similar themes  posted near it highlight why Leftist tactics are also cowardly.  At bottom, the denial of the strictures of logic and the disciplines of scientific methodology leads to incoherent nonsense.  Further, Romans 1:28 indicates where this nonsense first began.  This decline can never be creative in the positive and productive sense since it denies obligation to the firm realities of life that rationality and scientific research absolutely demand.



[2] Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Possessing even massive amounts of money are no guarantee of avoiding lapsing into stupidity.

[3] Empirical facts entail physical entities which can potentially be experienced with our senses and examined by scientific instruments.

[4] It says, “Contradictory truths cannot both be true in the same way and at the same time.” Philosopher of science, Dr. J.P. Moreland says that science cannot effectively function in the absence of this law. Christianity and the Nature of Science: A Philosophical Investigation. (Baker, 1989), p. 118.

[5] I use the word, “selectively” twice for the reason that neither of these facets of irrationality be employed uniformly since, to the extent that they are denied, they contradict the unshakably firm aspects of reality.  For example, denying as real the image of a concrete barrier on the highway ahead will not diminish the damage it will cause by running into it.

[6] January 8, 2021, p. B5.

[7], dated Nov. 20, 2020.      

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