Saturday, January 16, 2021

What's Missing in Leftist Broadcast Pronouncements

         When I sought specifics the other day on the frequency of Donald Trump’s interviews by means of a Google search, it became immediately clear that I would find no such data.  The only articles were anti-Trump propaganda that lacked any pretense of factual reportage.  What I, for example, distinctly recalled from virtually every afternoon last Spring was his face-to-face updates over Covid19 before predictably hostile press groups.  Truly, I know for certain that my recollections about the predictability of his opposition-laden encounters have been accurate.  And I also applaud his ongoing presence there.

               Nonetheless, for the purpose of advancing the truth behind my title, it is not necessary to appeal to records of factual events Leftists are in the process of erasing anyway.  It is instead sufficient for me to raise two questions that include firstly: When Joe Biden’s statements on political matters are broadcast, is he ever scrutinized at that time by those holding other views?  This query should also be applied to his closest political associates.  And secondly, When news media celebrities make judgments about the conduct of Donald Trump, and also attack the character of his supporters, are they obliged to cite supporting evidence at a level that Leftist interviewers demand of Conservatives…ever?

               The answers to these questions are both clear and unassailable.  They are “No!” and “No!”  Track records need not even be sought for the reason that the reality is clear by the immediacy of each and every televised occasion, day after day.  No possible reason exists to excuse the double-standard that the Left brings into its coverage since its application firstly contradicts the Golden-Rule[1] that, even in its weaker sense, urges not doing to your neighbor what you would not wish done to you.  Secondly, unless the body of journalists lack critical-thinking skills, pressures surely exist that have the capacity to arouse tensions sourced from the first point; that is, unless a more primary force is ultimately in play.  I consider that my judgment about this is inescapable.  Leftists fear the weakness of their assertions will become utterly exposed.  Leftists have indeed always pushed their agenda onto its opponents mostly by intimidation and force for the reason that their alleged foundation is so empty…indeed even worse still because Leftism is contradicted by both its internal illogic, and its’ appalling list of atrocities from this last century.  While it is ashamedly true that universities have attracted a high number of compliant fans, their means of attracting them has been reached NOT by openly debating their “ideas” with other academicians, but rather through fanning the emotions of ill-informed idealistic undergrads.  Indeed, as lauded academic spokesperson Dr. John Ellis notes, the competition of the two university goals that are in continual tension: political activism on the one hand, and intellectual exchanges such as entail free competition between differing ideas on the other, simply cannot be reconciled.[2]  The Leftists’ propensity to gravitate to the first of the above alternatives, illustrates vividly that they no more than cowards!

               All the money and all the private power in the world as represented by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and Microsoft, etc., cannot hide the fact that Leftist politics are grounded on document-able lies.[3]  Censorship can never erase the truth, but only further exposes the absurdity of Leftist tenets.  At bottoms, we are witnessing the cowardice of people who fear getting caught with their pants down.


[2] John M. Ellis. The Breakdown of Higher Education. (Encounter, 2020), p. 39.

[3] See my multi-part blog at titled, “The Choice: Flawed Liberators OR Clueless Thugs,” 08/8-28/2020.     

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