"For although the knew God, they did not honor Him as God, but they became futile in their thinking..."
The recent Executive Order by President Joe Biden allowing self-identified transgender males to enter shower facilities of females of any age, including girls and children, represents the grossest possible example of stupidity and incompetence imaginable. Can the Office of the President of the U.S. by its betrayal of defenseless females of any age, sink any lower? I defy any critic of mine to discredit my charge by rebutting the four points below by the rational means the Left claims to champion. This posting is NOT an attack on people caught up in transgenderism (TG) per se, but rather on public officials who fail to consider policies which could protect both TG’s in their private challenges AND the safety of every person including females. My Letter (below) with recent slight modifications still says it all.
June 2, 2016
The Everett Herald
Everett, Washington
Dear Editor,
The “Madman” in atheist Friedrich
Nietzsche’s parable by the same name, warned his naïve audience that denial of
God leads ALSO to the dehumanization of people.
St. Paul anticipated that very same inevitability in Romans
1:18-32. The rejection of morality isn’t
the only casualty that results from renouncing God. Other societal foundations are likewise visibly
crumbling. For example, assumptions behind the latest drive to remove
protective boundaries pertaining to stripping potentially any female of their modesty,
violates rationality itself with respect to justice, compassion, logic, and
scientific authority. Indeed today’s
transgenderism agenda is built on a house of cards.
Any so-called “justice” which
betrays the protection of girls and women by opening their showers to males
cannot withstand the scrutiny of its own rhetoric. Such a travesty of justice instead entails an
utter perversion of this heavily-foundational Constitutional term.
What entitles these proponents to
label conservatives “intolerant,” when it is the former who impose the
humiliating costs of their decrees onto defenseless females? While proponents of this agenda claim, and
may even imagine, that they speak from “compassion,” it is not they who bear
the consequences of their absurd decrees.
By what theory of intellectual
formation are students required to address TGs with pronouns which in fact
contradict one’s actual anatomy? The
classical goal of education as the pursuit of truth is thereby degenerating
into brain-washing, the end of which is ultimately the death of rationality
Finally, the fact that the
criterion for determining a person’s gender has become a matter of “inner
self-identity” irrespective of one’s genitalia and genes, indicates that
“educators” will even deny scientific truth (such as they pretend to
defend) insofar as it inhibits their agenda.
Gary Jensen, Pastor