Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Authority

I have so far referenced the Bible sparingly.  Not, however, from a lack of confidence in its authority.  To the contrary, my strategy has been to demonstrate the power of the words of Genesis to speak truth about nature by highlighting from its correlation with the natural order that the Bible is truly the revealed Word of God.  All across recorded history the Bible alone has declared that the universe had an absolute beginning.  All other religious beliefs, including modern secularism, have held that it is the material order that is eternal, while all the “gods” merely come and go.  In my essay, “The Biblical Demand to Take Another Look,” I list nine ways that the Bible has demonstrated its supernatural nature by its anticipation of modern scientific discovery by thousands of years.  The Bible, and Genesis in particular since this is our present focus, is the inspired, error-free, and revealed Word of God.  It is written for our instruction (2 Timothy 3:16).

I love the first chapters of Genesis and I revere its message.  It demands (in the best sense of the word) my most serious attention precisely because it is the Word of God.  You may notice from my assent to the Big Bang that my position on the interpretation of God’s Word in Genesis 1 may be different from yours.  I look forward to addressing that wonderful challenge in the near future.  But time demands that this moment I post what I have just written and take off for other engagements.

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