Monday, November 26, 2012

Let's Not Stop With the Very Beginning

The very existence of anything at all (which is everything there is!) is a sheer miracle that lies outside the possibility of scientific explanation.  I encourage your review of my previous blog posted November 15, 2012, where the scientific case for a transcendent Creator of the universe is laid out (“transcendent” means to stand outside of any arrangement that is under consideration).  For fuller treatment of this theme I recommend to you that book which has most influenced me, The Creator and the Cosmos by astronomer Hugh Ross (NavPress, 2001).  Dr. Ross also founded the think tank, Reasons to Believe, which harmonizes mainstream scientific discovery with the inerrant Word of God, the Holy Bible.  Their website is found at


Yet the mystery of our cosmos does not stop at that beginning, but continues from its unfolding all the way into the present.  Many people imagine that the Big Bang was a chaotic explosion whose results were much like the destructive effects of a nuclear bomb.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Consider today the single matter of “cosmic background radiation” (see my posting cited above).   One of the characteristics of this radiation from the glow of the initial blast is (was) that it is absolutely smooth…well, almost.  Its smoothness stands as one of many facts which point inescapably to the absolute beginning of the universe by an extremely hot Big Bang.  But at the same time, it is such a smooth glow that, when it was first discovered, the scientific community thought this characteristic stood against any notion that the Big Bang had potential to produce substances like galaxies with stars.  Only after further refinement of their instruments did they begin to detect the existence of extremely tiny ripples which are now understood to be the stuff (matter) that forms the beautiful points of light we see on a starry night.  Indeed, it is the same stuff that forms our own planet on which we firmly plant our feet with eyes fixed upward.


Please bear with me for a moment.  Have you wondered why the two words “cosmology” and “cosmetology” are so similar?  It is because they both come from the same Greek word, cosmos, which means, “orderly arrangement.”  The outcome people expect to receive when going to their hair stylist is similar to what the ancients perceived when they looked up into the heavens; that some Intelligence is responsible for making it beautiful.

In the next few postings I will frequently refer to the word “contingent.”  The word means that something is not logically or empirically required (“It doesn’t have to be exactly this way”).  In the context of our cosmos, it is universally recognized that it was not required that our cosmos have the exact properties that it actually does.  On countless levels our cosmos could have been far different than it actually was when it began.  One of those factors that could have been different (and only slightly so would have made all the difference) is the characteristics of today’s central theme, “cosmic background radiation.”  In order for anyone to be present at all (that is, exist), the characteristics of the initial cosmic radiation had to be well-nigh exactly as they actually are.  Had the ripples been either greater or smaller than 1 in 10 to the 60th power, that is, one in ten followed by 60 zeros,[1] there would be no galaxies, no stars, no planets, and no “us” to discuss the matter.


[1] Hugh Ross. Why the Universe the Way it Is. (Reasons to Believe, 2008), p.209.

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