Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Biden’s Deteriorated Mind and his Glaringly Empty Charges Against Trump


Joe Biden is a very good reader.  When he has a script in front of him, he expresses strong and engaging communication skills.  Yet the flow and contents that are so vital to conveying compelling arguments actually exist only outside of his mind, on the screen right in front of him.  This reality is evident not only by his reliance on a teleprompter whenever he speaks in public, but also by his mental paralysis on the few occasions (so far) when he is called upon to speak when it is absent.[1]  I sincerely take no pleasure in highlighting the reality of the disconnect between his rhetorical skills and his demonstrated incapacity to personally think through not only complex matters, but even simple ones.[2]  Even the greatest of thinkers eventually descend into some form of dementia later in life.[3]  Yet this matter must be raised for the reason that there is no position in the world which entails greater responsibility.  It is consequently incumbent on the Democrat party to acknowledge that Joe Biden is clearly not competent for the position of the President of the United States.  And indeed this reality is so patently obvious that non-Democrats are rationally entitled to wonder if their agenda is instead to set him aside after the election so that Kamala Harris rise to that position instead, in the manner of a “Trojan Horse.”  And it so happens that on Fox News this very day (8:00 am, 09/15/20) Kamala Harris described her arrangement with Joe Biden as “a Harris administration with Joe Biden.

Secondly, the contents of Joe Biden’s rhetoric is chronically void of facticity which, by definition, subjects it to scrutiny of a kind that can be tested against the state of affairs to which they refer.  This same criticism likewise applies to Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Al Sharpton, to name just a few notorious transgressors.  Their ploys to the contrary amount to deranged character assassination against Trump while Joe Biden gets a pass.[4]  In contrast to Donald Trump, who faces critics daily, the roster of Democrats that I list above clearly lack the courage to submit themselves to public scrutiny from their political opposition.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXhfW81xtw4

[2] Ibid.

[3] https://www.aplaceformom.com/blog/10-celebrities-with-alzheimers-disease/

[4] To the question of Joe Biden’s character, he once boasted not only to have a higher IQ than one questioner in his audience, but that he graduated in the top half of his law school class, and that he received three degrees.  Yet each claim was proved false,[4] which led him to drop out the presidential race in 1988 (https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/may/07/ad-watch-fact-checking-video-about-bidens-academic/).


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