Sunday, August 30, 2020

Preface to "The Choice: Flawed Liberators OR Clueless Thugs?"


In my almost 40 years of being a Lutheran pastor, I have never before publicly advocated for a specific presidential candidate for two reasons.  Firstly, I have sought to limit my preaching and teaching contents to the Gospel of Jesus Christ because I regard that as my chief calling.  Secondly, my goal to be inclusive has led me to refrain from coercing others to embrace political views (as opposed to biblical teaching) that I have no right to impose onto others.  Yet in light of the present circumstances I must make an exception.  I sincerely judge that the stakes from the choice we soon make will lead to an outcome that is so consequential that the two visions for society will not resemble each other at all.  One vision will perpetuate, from our heritage, the personal freedoms, safety, and economic opportunities multitudes have sought after from all over the world, while the other vision will entail submission to decrees by a ruling class which will abolish personal liberties.  As a Christian Pastor and theologian I hold that only a worldview that is based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ has any capacity to produce the first vision.  The denial of God, on the other hand, issues in nihilism and the degradations that logically follow from it.  

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