Thursday, June 25, 2020

Antifa's Intellectual Nakedness Underneath its Black Garb part 2

It is Antifa who has the bloodied hands by their brazen murder of black leaders and business owners, together with their extensive destruction of entire neighborhoods across numerous cities, the majority of victims being blacks.  Here again, the enablers to this carnage include the majority of main-stream journalists who are chronically silent on the documentable contradiction between the tenets, on the one hand, and the actual terror wrought by Antifa.  This reality contrasts MLKJ’s “dream” (above) with the agenda of Antifa which, given its overture in the present, will surely climax into a nightmare.
Further Reflection (following its publication)
               Upon further reflection, I now resolutely renounce my approval of the “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) movement, not as though the don’t matter: they most certainly do matter just the same as every other person (see my third paragraph, above)!  I withdraw my approval for the reason that BLM’s official agenda amounts to a direct assault on our societal structure.  I don’t ask you to take my word for it.  Instead go to their official website ( to the section “What We Believe.”  Two matters are particularly troubling.  According to a recent ACT Rochester survey,[1] At the same time that 75% of black families are fatherless (Hispanic families, 58%, White families 37%, Asian families 21%), BLM officially states, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement…”  With respect to sexual identity BLM states, “We are reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk…”  Please notice that this statement isn’t so much an appeal to protect certain groups of people from persecution as it is to overthrow social structures that are not only meaningful, but also functional to vast numbers of Americans.

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