Sunday, December 31, 2017

Glaring Biblical Errors in the Movie: "Genesis: Paradise Lost" part IV

"They examin[ed] the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so" (Acts 17:11).

             At the very beginning of GPL, Charles Darwin was blamed for causing people to assume the world is old.  In actual fact there is a strong and broad body of evidence that is entirely independent of Darwinism which indicates that the entire cosmos, including the earth, is very old.  To give some examples:  1) On the basis of the speed of light, the time it has taken for light to travel from its respective sources (e.g. galaxies) to our optical instruments can be measured in billions of years.  The light from our closest galactic neighbor, Andromeda, took 2 ½ million years to reach us.  In order for YECs to dismiss this indicator of age, they must, in denial of Rom. 1, suppress as opposed to embrace the plain testimony of the heavens.  2) Ice core samples pertaining to annular snowfalls in the high arctic, indicate time frames of over 800,000 years of deposition (see Hugh Ross. A Matter of Days. (RTB, 2015), pp. 190f.).  3) Taking into consideration the range of necessary conditions in order for fossilization to in any way occur lead to the conclusion that it is simply impossible for the topography of our entire planet, including the Himalayas, to be attributed to a singular deluge.  See my two papers, “The Biblical Extent of Noah’s Flood” and “The Prints are Everywhere.” 

6.       GPL employs dubious lines of argument in their attempts to support its YEC position, including appealing to statements by Jesus to establish the “historical” nature of Genesis.  Although I too affirm its historicity, nothing Jesus said proves He affirmed YEC.  GPL also raises a concern, “If we can’t trust the first nine chapters of Genesis, how can we trust the resurrection of Jesus Christ?”  Yet this question is utterly absurd.  Taken to its logical conclusion, no claims at all to matters of fact, including assertions by the movie narrators, would ever achieve a level of trustworthiness for the reason that the entire human race is prone to error.  Further, since ancient historical narration has been conveyed by varying modes of literary expression that include verse (Psalm 105, Homer’s Illiad, and Virgil’s Aneid), GPL lacks grounds for its certitude that its YEC position is the only valid historical interpretation of Genesis 1.  Finally, Jesus himself would oppose at least posture 5A (above) as indicated by the question he posed to Nicodemus: “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe me, how can you believe me if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12).  In 1 John 1:1-3 the Apostle John applies Jesus’ very same principle by appealing to three of our modes of perception (“heard, seen with our eyes, touched with our hands”) in order to affirm our doctrine of the incarnation (John 1:12); not vice-versa.  This returns us full circle to Jesus’ reply to John the Baptist’s emissaries by appealing not to Scripture, but instead to what their senses actually told them (Matt. 11:4).  Contrary to the YEC propensity to ignore the logical principle of “non- contradiction,” Both Jesus and the Apostle John held that revelation must, in actuality, harmonize with the phenomena it describes.  See my paper, “Truth is Never Less than One.” 

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