Truth is
Falling Everywhere Except
Part 2 of 3. The entire essay, including footnotes, can be
found at my website:
Now I
anticipate strong objections to my earlier suggestion that YECs are neglectful
of scientific evidence. It is obviously
true to the contrary that in some manner they do appeal to scientific data.
But as I stated in my opening sentence, this happens only selectively in the sense of
“cherry-picking” for those “fruits” they deem desirable. Yet the filter they employ for discriminating
between good and bad fruit is Genesis
ch. 1. In other words, on their
assumption that that passage teaches a 6-10 thousand year old earth, then only
scientific evidence that is consistent with their time-frame is afforded
consideration. This effectively means
that only evidence of a kind that is already supported by Scripture is
admitted. Yet this entails two logical
fallacies. Firstly, it commits an oxymoron in that the “facts” they allege
support Gen. 1 are intrinsically under girded by the very passage they seek to substantiate. Yet in order for an argument to qualify as
evidence, it needs to stand independently from the authority that it is
intended to support. Secondly, it
commits the bait and switch fallacy
in that it claims to herald as truth an interpretation of Genesis 1 which is
attained by the dubious means of redefining truth.
As I
stated earlier, no other means for substantiating a given assertion as true
exists than by submitting it to the scrutiny of the data it purports to
address. My suggestion that even God
obligates Himself to that challenge, then, is not disparagement of His
majesty. To the contrary it is a
profound affirmation of the very character of the Triune God of Truth (John
16:13) in that, what His word declares will in actuality correlate with the facts of the real world. And so it demonstrably is the case, that “The heavens declare the glory of God [even
as] the firmament proclaims His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1).
To be continued...
To be continued...
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