Self-Contradictory Absurdities of “Liberal” Transgenderism Public Policy, part 2
the most primary blunder in the agenda behind these policies entails the dishonest
commission of a double standard by its utter neglect of (indeed outright
disregard for) environmental considerations in the social arena. Despite the present bureaucratic imposition
of environmental impact studies prior to the construction of even the tiniest
bridge, building or landscape development, virtually no thought is given to the
obvious environmental ramifications which follow from opening girls showers to men
and boys. Even the vocabulary that is typically
employed (“restroom facilities”)
serves (in contra-diction to the recent feminist mantra, “my body, myself”) is dismissive of the degree of the violation endured
by females of all ages in terms of the loss of their personal sense of modesty
and the deprival of their self-determination.
At the same time the determination on the part of the proponents of this
agenda to advance the same, come hell or high water, is so resolute as to lead
them to throw rationality itself to the wind.
As I introduced the theme earlier, so now I will briefly summarize where
it is in the current agenda that its proponents entangle themselves in four self-contradictions:
Their program logically entails both 1) a profound perversion of the concept of
justice and 2) a superficializing (dumbing-down) of the concept of compassion. It also entails both 3) the illegitimate
subordination of objectivity under subjectivity, despite the specifically
inter-personal nature of the context, and 4) it dismisses decisive relevant scientific
data insofar as it undermines their ideology.
It is these incongru-ities which I name in the following letter to the
editor I submitted for publication on May 17, 2017 to the Everett Herald. In keeping with the Herald’s guidelines I adhered
to the specified limit of 250 words.
Dear Editor,
The “Madman” in atheist philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche’s parable by the same name, declared that the denial of God
leads logically to the denigration of humanity.
Yet, although morality is one indicator of societal dissolution, other
formative aspects of our culture are also deteriorating today. St. Paul anticipated this same inevitability
in Romans 1:18-32. Assumptions behind
that agenda which is driving the overthrow of protective boundaries concerning feminine
modesty undermines rationality itself with respect to justice, compassion,
logical reflection, and the authority of scientific truth. Indeed it is built on a house of cards.
Any concept of “justice” which overthrows
the protection of girls and women by opening their showers to men and boys
cannot bear the scrutiny of its own rhetoric.
Such a travesty of justice can be maintained only by perverting the definition
of justice.
What entitles promoters of this
agenda to vilify their opponents as “intolerant” when they are the ones imposing
such humiliating consequences onto defenseless females? Their posture restricts privilege to only a
few while depriving the remainder of fundamental “rights to privacy.”
By what theory of intellectual
formation should students be required to address transgenders with pronouns
that contradict their anatomy? The
classical goal of education as the pursuit of truth is thereby perverted into deceitful
Finally, the fact that the new criterion for
identifying one’s gender has become their “inner self-identity” as opposed to
genitalia and genetics, indicates that “educators” will even pragmatically
dismiss science as expendable insofar as it hinders their agenda.
the newspaper chose not to print the letter.