Friday, June 28, 2013

In Light of Recent Supreme Court Decisions

In light of two Supreme Court decisions on “homosexual marriage,” My friend Robin Dugall has posted a blog that calls for our attention. You will notice that my reply, below, expresses strong disagreement with his proposal.  The address is:   

Dear Robin,

While I agree with you that Christianity must by its very nature live in tension with “secular” culture, and that it is not our calling to “govern” our culture, neither are we obligated to cast off our rights as participants and indeed as fellow citizens within our constitutional and democratic republic.  What is happening in the current fad pertaining to the redefinition of marriage is not merely a spiritual matter.  It also involves matters of rationality (and irrationality) at the core, and politically, the betrayal of the democratic process that ought to include every citizen all along the journey.  We who are conservative ought not to run from the charge of bigotry, but to the contrary hold up the mirror of bigotry to the faces of every voice that insists, in the name of “tolerance” that only redefinition advocates possess a sound and moral mind.   On matters of rationality alone, according to the very standards they herald, I charge that advocates of the redefinition of marriage deserve no credit at all.  By standards of rationality they deserve a solid “F.” 

“Religion” is consistently denigrated by the secular movers of our culture in favor of “enlightened science.”  Anyone who knows me knows I lift up science as a laudable field of study that deserves protection from the encroachment of religion.  Advocates of science, on the other hand, ought to in turn highlight and clarify their own parameters according to the rules of science.  And it ought to demand that wherever claims to “scientific enlightenment” are made, that the promises that fall under that banner are kept.  In matters of “pure” science, the scientific method insists on proposing every hypothesis that can conceivably address a given range of facts.  And then it insists on the weighty task of seeking to disprove each one of these hypotheses until only one remains standing.  The scientific method does NOT fixate on gathering friendly and confirmatory evidence alone (ignoring the counter-evidence), but, to the contrary, goes out of its way to the expose its proposals to the most intense challenges.  In matters of “applied” science, for example the building of a bridge across an environmentally sensitive area, it is demanded (and rightly so) that the ramifications to the environment be studied with serious deliberation.  Only after it is determined that there will be no negative effects, will the building of that bridge be allowed.

The obvious question with respect to the redefinition of marriage is, what single serious question (under the standards just described) concerning the ramifications of this move, especially to children, are ever seriously considered?  I say not one.  Self-centered ambition without concern to the damage to the environment is driven by the herd-mentality known as political correctness.  This current trend fails to represent enlightenment at all.  It is utterly shameful.  It fulfills to a “T” the Apostle Paul’s warnings of a downward spiral in the disintegration of rationality laid bare in Romans 1:18f.

I am a Christian who stands under the authority of the Bible.  I am also a citizen.  I am also a human being.  And I have been granted the same thinking capacity that God has granted to every human being, should we all determine to use it.  The Bible indeed states that one standard of judgment against which humans will be held accountable will be the refusal to think by the deliberate suppression of the facts (Rom. 1:18f).  For these reasons I care about the grave fallout from a contemporary fad that is so poorly thought through.  What I care about myself in this matter is that I don’t care enough.  God help me to care more.         

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