Friday, April 26, 2013

Does Anyone At All Escape the Judgment of Romans 3:19? Part II

If indeed these “tenets” of post-modernism are true, I repeat my charge that its proponents are involving themselves (and our entire gullible culture along with them) in glaring self-contradiction.  For if indeed there is no such thing as over-arching truth, then there is no standard that obligates others to embrace their assertions.  For the central assertion they make, that there is no truth, cannot be true either, according to their own standards.  This particular rebuttal of post-modernism is of a logical nature.  An additional rebuttal involves the existence of both laziness and intellectual dishonesty with respect to the question of truth.  The Apostle Paul addresses this sinful human tendency in Romans 1:18-20, where he charges our race with the propensity to “suppress” the truth, as opposed to seeking it out, wherever the truth of a given matter may lead (v.18).  Contrary to popular opinion (for which Christians share a certain level of blame), according to the Bible all people will be held accountable to God for how we think.  People cannot be held accountable for what they can’t have possibly known.  But we will be held accountable for what we, at bottom, have done with what we actually do know.  When, for example, we resist answering our phone which informs us on the screen of a caller we do not want to face, we know in our conscience that we are not ignorant of the intentions of that other person.  Similarly, attempts to sway the “Judge” of the “living and the dead” on the excuse that we “did not know,” won’t get far at all.  They will instead be measured against all those opportunities we were given to become more informed which we instead cast to the side in the interest of willful ignorance.  

Moral relativism is a second aspect of post-modernity that involves a deep level of self-contradiction.  For one thing, moral relativism is simply not practiced consistently, not even as an attempt.  Whatever may be the promises of our day to the effect that post-modernism liberates humans from the shackles of old-fashioned morality, the truth of the matter is that binding standards are pervasive all across our culture today.  The heavy hand of obligation advances even in our own time by the rhetorical means of “political correctness.”  The abortion of a human fetus is swept under the rug (all too often even celebrated) while the loss of a dolphin, for example, is highlighted in the news as tragic.  Please don’t interpret this as an expression of environment disinterest on my part.  I am writing instead about a loss of the ability to properly measure the values of people, creatures, and things.  For now I will stop with my rant.  But I summarize by stating the obvious, that moral relativists replace old morality with equally weighty politically correct obligations of the latest fashion.  All the while the weight of obligation continues its oppression.
to be continued.

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