Saturday, April 16, 2022

Leftism's Glaring Cowardice

 This article is a repeat of my blog posting from many months ago. However it isn't for historical purposes that I bring it back.  Since, as I argue, so-called "progressives," are becoming increasingly entrenched in their folly.  See if you can agree with my assessment:


               In 1964, during Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson’s official oversight as the 36th President of the United States, the “Free Speech Movement” was formed to defy his administration’s ban of on-campus protesting over the Vietnam War. Their goal was consistent with that of any university. 1 Astonishingly however, the Wikipedia article on this topic, which was revised as recently as this month (Dec. 1) states, “To this day, the Movement’s legacy continues to shape American political dialogue both on college campuses and in broader society.” 2 Yet ironically, Leftists3 today are seemingly clueless to the contradiction of their stance in the face of that Movement back in the 60’s to which they claim inspiration. 

             Indeed left-of-center ideology today is thoroughly pervaded with a spirit of both censorship and the suppression of honest debate4 in matters of substance, each of which fundamentally undermines freedom of speech that is protected in the First Amendment of our U.S. Constitution.5 This ploy seeks, apparently, to buffer Leftists from scrutiny by an informed public as applied in the following ways: 

•      In terms of posture, the Left’s chronic refusal to engage in dialogue with Conservatives destroys even the possibility of reaching a common understanding together. So much darker, then, is the prospect of reaching mutually acceptable solutions. Nonetheless, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala Harris, to name a few, insist on unchecked grandstanding as opposed to conversing. 

•      Censorship of critical facts has marked the ongoing ploy of all news networks, except Fox, over this recent Presidential election campaign. Not only did they forbid broadcasting the hundredplus-nights of rampage when police were constrained from both halting the damage and protecting lives; they also refused to assign the blame to the refusal of Democrat Mayors to act. 6 

•      In contradiction to scientific methodology7 concerning Covid19, both Google and Facebook censor viewpoints that lie outside the prevailing Leftist vision, despite being advanced by renowned first-rank scientists who have advanced degrees in the very same relevant medical fields.8 

•      Leftism 9 has aided the obscurity in Joe Biden’s pre-election schemes both in terms of his “agenda” and his financial entanglements with China. Only after his win seemed sure, did the press report what they earlier mockingly dismissed; that Hunter Biden is under FBI investigation. 

       These factors each betray Leftism’s deep insecurity about exposing their views to public scrutiny. Indeed, apart from such ploys there is little prospect that they could remotely prevail in an honest vote. I for one gladly invite challenges to my own views. How pathetic it is then that they fear to do the same. 


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Is Science-Honoring-Trust an "Essential" Biblical Posture?

              My pastor recently asked me why I thought it so important to insist (as indeed I do) on creation through[1] the Big Bang (BB).  That query moved me first to reflect, and then to self-clarify, that my focus is really less on the BB per se than it is on the authority of scientific judgments in general.[2]  His challenge (which I welcomed) suggested he does not share my position.  Indeed, as we continued he told me that some of “our” congregational members hold to young-earth-creationist (YEC) views, and consequently, he expressed disapproval of anyone seeking to dissuade them.  Now, it is important to clarify to readers that my pastor and I revere each other and are also cordial friends; a posture that in fact reflects the actual tone of this respectful interchange.  Since I had already suspected his views, I was actually glad we forestalled our having to dance around the table about this matter.  In fact, I assured him that in our congregation, I only desire to witness to my view; not challenge others.

               There is no doubt in my mind that, by commending the BB as an apologetic tool for affirming the existence of God, my very presence, to a degree, impedes peace (insofar as peace exists) in any Christian circle; much like a pebble caught underfoot in one’s sandal, for the reason that I am effectively calling YEC into question.  I take no joy in unsettling the faith of YECs (although it should be duly noted that YEC adherents do the same thing with respect to the BB).  So, that tension really goes both ways (at least it should).  Yet since I hold that creation began through the BB, the question logically follows, “Does the Bible authorize dismissing established scientific facts insofar as they seem to conflict with a biblical text? 

For the full article, find me at my website,      

[1] The Big Bang did not cause the universe.  It was the effect from God calling the cosmos into existence in a manner consistent with Genesis 1:1.

[2] If science conclusively indicated the earth was created before the sun less than 10,000 years ago, I would embrace young-earth-creationism.

[3] Langdon Gilkey. Maker of Heaven and Earth. (Doubleday, 1959), pp. 48-54.

[4] Phenomenon, a (pl) is the material stuff of reality that can, in principle, be perceived and measured by our senses or instruments.

[5] Not “heaven” the “abode” of the saints and the angels, but the starry heavens.  The word, “heaven,” in the Bible has three definitions.

[6] A nebulous term that can mean all of existence below the highest heavens, including every aspect of nature.