Sunday, November 21, 2021

Why Materialism is Utterly Irrational, Part 2

         The core contradiction which turned C.S. Lewis from atheism to belief in God


               Yet materialism is at odds not only with the laws and documentable patterns of cosmological evolution.[1]  It furthermore also contradicts the laws of rationality.  Materialism rejects not only the existence of God, but spirits of any kind in any context.  Now if that doesn’t seem so important to “non-religious” readers, I urge you to think again!  By adding the suffix “ism” to the word “material,” the term materialism” means nothing exists at all except matter.  The logical fallout from materialism threatens to be the metaphorical “death ” of every single human with respect to their personhood.  According to materialism, what we call our thoughts and also our sense of consciousness and self, are merely illusory.  Atheist, Dr. Daniel Dennett, in a lecture on YouTube promoting his materialistic interpretation of “con-sciousness,” said that what human beings imagine to be consciousness consists purely of impressions produced by the complex operations of mechanistic computers in the brain (17:50).  He further added, “There is no little man in the brain (11:35) … What lies in ‘the middle’ is a virtual self (15:43)…an abstrac-tion (16:05) … Inside the ghost [of a machine?] is a robot” (17:50).[2]  In summary, the events occurring in our brains are not intellectual ponderings and insights, but rather merely electro-chemical firings across the chasms between our brain’s billions of synapses.  Yet when these phenomena, which are document-table, are arbitrarily severed from connectivity to spirits (souls), they utterly contradict what humans have always assumed occurs during internal reflection.  On the one hand, electro-chemical events, with-out exception, necessarily align with the invariable and repetitious laws of nature, while information on the other hand, in terms of thoughts, reflections and perceptions, are guided by the specific data and perceptions that are derived from the almost infinite variety of their sources.  In addition, our rational choices of any kind assume that our perceptions accurately convey phenomenal reality.  Yet ascribing such perceptions to merely physical interactions within the confines of our skeleton overthrows any plausibility that such desired connections are valid.[3]  So notice finally how these processes cannot be reconciled as if they’re the same process (or similar) since they are conceptually incompatible.   

Now I wish to bring to the table those contradictions which directly muddle and confound the assertions of the very proponents of materialism.  If materialism (MTLSM) was an accurate assessment of human experience, it would consequently be impossible for anyone to know it to be the case since the MTLSM assertions that are employed for the purpose of dehumanizing humanity as a whole, applies also to the very ones who advance them.  For by what principle can they exempt themselves from the disparaging anthropological swipe they brush over humanity as a whole?  What is good for the goose is good for the gander!”  Further, according to MTLM, their propagandistic agenda to persuade others is rendered utterly pointless since the notion of a “person” with a free intellect (which is prima facie re-quired in order for any audience to have the capacity to rethink any views at all) simply does not exist.

For these reasons, it isn’t humans who are hastening the loss of personhood, but anti-humane materialism, which has here been as discredited on both scientific and logical grounds.  Firstly, although, up until the early mid-20th century, the cosmos was deemed (or assumed) to be self-existent for reasons of being without beginning or end; the advancement of scientific knowledge since then has brought that dogmatic view to an end with the dawning reality that the universe had a beginning at the BB.  Although questions that have no bearing on the fact of the BB continue, that model is not about to be overthrown since the details which secure its facticity consist of a pattern of observable evidence.[4]  Secondly, anthropological materialism demands of its proponents that they buy into an array of logical fallacies summed up as a recurrence of one reductio absurdum-after-another.  It was this body of  absurdities which led Lewis to repudiate materialism while consequently accepting the existence of God.

[1] As distinguished from Darwinian biological evolution.

[2] Daniel Dennett. He states, “There is no inner show and there is no single inner witness [in the brain]” (11:20). Dennett initially stated that the dualistic view of the body/soul distinction is a “hopeless theory” (3:35).  ** See also my paper, “The Case for the Soul” at my website, Op.cit. (3).

[3] Charles Darwin too was skeptical over the capacity of an evolved brain to yield trustworthy insights. (www://

[4] Consider that the two concepts, “pattern” and “observable,” are organically intertwined. Op.cit. (7).

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