Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Inescapable Connection of Socialism to the Murder of 100 Million citizens

             Why naïve utopian socialist fantasies will lead us AND our descendants into anguish

            Socialism, by definition, stands in bold contrast to the tenets of Capitalist economics as presumed by the United States Constitution.  Stated plainly, Socialism is a top-downward admi-nistration, while U.S. society, by stark contrast, entails a “We the people…” formulation of a bottom’s-up approach to governance.  Discussing these contrasting programs in solely abstract (as opposed to realized) terms can easily diminish the magnitude of the damning consequences of a vision which portends instead to create fair and equal societies, i.e., “Utopia.”

            In addition to expressing a top-downward relationship between the “governing” and the “governed,” Socialism also imposes strictures on the latter which deprive them of rewards for their labors.  The slogan, “From each according to his ability to each according to their needs,”[1] may, on the one hand please those who seek to avoid work, but on the other hand deprive determined workers of financial benefits of their labor, and also both innovators of their organic successes, and additionally visionaries from seeing their insights unfold into reality.  Less that 100 miles south of the Florida Keys lies a “living” example of such a “failed [socialist] State[2] that began in prosperity (albeit amid moral degeneration) yet quickly plunged into enslaved poverty.[3]

            This set of deprivations obstructs fairness both at individual and societal levels.  Clearly members of the human race are NOT uniformly motivated in similar directions.  Viewed then solely under rational (as opposed to religious) terms, Socialism, as reflected upon with care, brings a death-knell to free self-determination for a vast percentage of any population.  Not only is it statistically[4] clear that socialistic economies do not work, but they cannot possibly work except by means of punishment by the enforcers.  Such indeed are the grounds for the murders of intellectually-driven and financially successful people by Socialist regimes.[5]

            The most objective and so, decisive, indicator of the obvious destructive consequence of Socialism is the testimony that in the 20th Century alone, over one-hundred million people were murdered by their own despotic governments by either  1) torture,  2) planned wide-scale imposition of starvation,  3) traumatization,  4) shootings,  5) gassings,  6) imprisonments,  6) and forced dissolutions of /or severance of individuals from their families or  7) in combination.[6]

For a longer edition of this paper, you may find it at my website,



  [2] President Joe Biden’s depiction in his public comments on  July 15, 2021, of Cuba’s governance.


[5] E.g.


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