Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The One Advantage Leftists Cannot Possibly Possess

                   It is common for conservatives to bewail the wholesale systemic censorship of their views by Leftist media outlets including the “alphabet” news networks, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and additional influential propagandistic voices.  Nevertheless, there is one thing that Leftism can never accomplish, which is to garner genuine trust in its message by people who are committed to thinking critically.  One core aspect of Leftist propagandization is indeed censorship which excludes from consideration certain views and supportive data that are decreed, for unsubstantiated reasons, to be faulty.  Censorship, by definition, consequently contradicts scientific inquiry in any and every context, the latter of which demands consideration of every relevant hypothesis and consequential bit of data in the determination to arrive at resolutions for a given challenge.  It is for this very reason that Leftism can never tolerate the exposure of its views to honest analysis and substantive scrutiny.  This is also why President Joe Biden, V.P. Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, to name a few, virtually never expose their views and assertions to live public engagement with their colleagues who hold opposing points of view. 

            Since it is Leftists who parade themselves and the Democrat Party as a whole as “champions of science,” it would be extremely fruitful to the health and security of our nation’s future for conservatives to relentlessly highlight their moral cowardice and intellectual nakedness, and demand repentance of their glaring hypocrisy.  In other words, instead of fixating on the deprivation that Leftism seeks to impose, conservatives should wake up to the opportunity to use the voice that we do have to the end of exposing the Leftist agenda as fraudulent to the core.  No advantage that the Left is manipulating will ever successfully remedy the reality that their platform is based on lies which, not only confounds conservatism, but also threaten the security of every single member of society.  The big question though, is why conservatives resist seizing this opportunity.    

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