Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Forgiveness of Sins is Not... Part II

            According to Fisk’s blog, the Good News of the forgiveness of sins was not a part of the apologist’s message.  He may or he may not be correct in the impression his video conveys on this matter.  Yet this too is not my point.  Whenever Christians do herald this forgiveness we are ourselves individually confessing that this is the one message that stands between us and the judgment that we all would otherwise face.  Having the “knowledge” of the forgiveness of sins does not make the Christian superior to others.  It is instead a reminder that every human being is in the same boat before the same God who loves us in spite of our sin and encourages us to share with others that very news.  When some are confused about the forgiveness of sins, it is our privilege to announcement it with humility and joy.

The message of the forgiveness of sins is not a club with which to clobber others who are down, including fellow Christians.  Neither is it about a club in the sense of Christians circling the wagons in self-congratulations over some achievement of doctrinal purity.  Shall we clarify the good news?  Yes!  But let us do so in kindness and humility for the glory of God who sent His son for us all.
Your servant pastor, Gary         

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