Monday, November 12, 2012

Why Offensive as Opposed to Defensive?

               Stated bluntly, Christians should be in the offensive mode because we have possession of the ball!  This is not a matter of whistling in the dark.  Many Christian scholars argue today that, in terms of public evidence that is broadly conceded by both sides of the “God” debate, Christianity is in a stronger position than at any other time in history.  Briefly stated, that body of factual evidence which points to the existence of the God of the Bible can be summarized as follows:

·        The absolute beginning of the universe (all of matter, energy, space, and time) out of nothing in the Big bang points to a transcendent creator of all things.
·        The initial conditions of the Big Bang were not chaotic, but extremely fine-tuned (some factors within billionths of a percent) to meet the requirements necessary for our universe to be habitable for advanced life.  This precision affirms a “Super Intelligence” (Fred Hoyle) behind the design of our cosmos.
·        The presence within DNA (inside the cell of every single creature) of enormous amounts of language and information point inescapably to an intelligent Designer of life.
·        Other arguments in favor of the God of the Bible include both the solid historical foundation for Jesus of Nazareth and His resurrection from the dead and the broad witness of human experience, including our consciousness (self-awareness), our freedom, our experience of moral law, and our sense of guilt that results from breaking our own conscience (see Romans 2:1f).

For a fuller treatment of this body of this evidence please request a copy of my essay, “The Prints Are Everywhere.”  Over time I will more fully flesh the evidence out piece by piece.  And I will continue to expand on my rationale as a biblical Christian, that we all embrace the offensive mode in our witness to the truth of the Triune God.

Gary Jensen, Pastor
Zion Lutheran Church
Snohomish, Washington

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