Friday, November 25, 2022

What Atheism Cannot Account For

   When scientists investigate complex natural phenomena, they are not content to just naysay ideas that others offer.  Rather, they seek for a superior explanation to the data.  Only by reconciling the facts into the most plausible hypothesis, is the goal of science fulfilled.  Since skeptics habitually dismiss the Bible for, as they charge, "getting the science wrong," they inadvertently set up that standard which they oblige themselves to obey too.  Reason indeed demands they identify the specific scientific forces they believe better explain existence than does the God of Genesis 1:1.  I urge you to decide this question for yourself.  Which view do you judge; theism or atheism, best accounts for the following?   


 1.      The universe had an absolute beginning from out of nothing at the Big Bang (BB).  A sizable list of scientific facts establish, as unassailable, the certitude of this event.  Yet it is impossible that science could itself be the cause of the universe since, prior to the BB nothing physical existed at all; NOT matter nor energy nor time nor space existed in which scientific processes could exist to create anything.  Consequently the BB was not a cause, but the effect of a far greater cause!  Notice from the above list of lacks that the BB was instead a sheer miracle!  While skeptics assert that quantum tunnelling and gravity are both indicators that matter can just pop into reality from nothing, they fail to grasp that both also began to exist as created entities!  So, what can atheists conceivably posit that better explains existence than does the God of Genesis 1:1 who, by His transcending nature,[can simply speak a cosmos into existence (Hebrews 11:3)?       


For the remainder of this article that includes the footnotes you may find it at my website:

Monday, November 7, 2022

Did Global Warming Begin at the Industrial Revolution? part 2

 Readers may object to my referring to the discrepancy in my title as a lie instead of a mere difference of interpretation of the geological facts.  But I stand by my depiction for the reason that the history of rising and declining of sea levels has been affirmed by mainstream scientists for decades as a matter of public record.  Only since recent “climate-change” activists have sought to connect such rising levels (as is occurring in the present) wholly with the human-initiated industrial revolution have such activists sought to neglect or suppress geological history.  For example, Kiger Gorge on Steens Mountain in S.E. Oregon is a beautiful U-shaped trough which is a remnant of an ancient massive glacier on its north side.  In our own day Steens Mountain lays in the heart of a bone-dry desert, even though its ancient glacier flourished in the Pleistocene era began melting some eleven thousand years ago.”  See Elizabeth and William Orr. The Geology of Oregon, 5th ed. (Kendall, 2000), pp. 89-92. ( HSU/theses/garcia_mallory/literature/geology_of_oregon_orr_orr.pdf). 

See also my more extensive article, "Unassailable Facts Climate-Change Militants Ignore."  It too is found at my web-site:

Did Global Warming Begin at the Industrial Revolution? part 1

The Daily American Newspaper

Somerset, Pennsylvania 

Dear Editor, 

In the 2/12 edition of the Daily American, virtually an entire page consisting of two editorials mockingly berated the “climate change” position of the Republican Party.  Both articles were filled with unsubstantiated bluster yet were virtually void of hard scientific data to corroborate the certitude of the Democrat agenda.  Likewise readers will in vain search the Democrat Party Platform on Climate Change website for that data.  I urge readers to note that absence for yourself.  On the other hand, the Left-leaning website, “Smithsonian: Ocean—Find Your Blue,” ( states, “Scientists agree that the changes in climate that we are seeing today are largely caused by human activity, and it's climate change that drives sea level rise. Sea levels started rising in the late 1800s, soon after we started burning coal, gas and other fossil fuels for energy” (bold-face mine).  Nevertheless this bald assertion is, to the contrary, unassailably false.  Anyone committed to “following the science” will realize that earth’s warming trends, indicated by substantial glacial feature remnants, will serve as confirmation that our planet has been warming ever since the close of the last ice age 18,000 years ago which, by my calculations, was long before the industrial revolution of “the late 1800s.”  I am deeply committed to caring for our environment.  But unless Democrats commit themselves to reconsidering the relevant data they obviously ignore; their warnings are suspect.

Gary Jensen, Pastor © March 10, 2020

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (NALC), Berlin, PA, USA 

To be continued…