Monday, May 2, 2022

The Absurdity of Leftism's Crocodile Tears

                   And the improbability of their reaching, on their own wisdom, the truth they feign to demand

It is hard to exaggerate the depth of ludicricity[1] Leftists bring upon themselves by their decrial of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter even while parading themselves as the sole guardians of “helpful” pub-lic discourse.  Instead, their determination to censor opposition exposes them as both cowards who are fearful of scrutiny, and clueless fools by their lobbing at the Right, “charges” of censorship of the same nature as their very own posture; a delusional tactic called “psychological projection.”[2]  In both cases they defy any semblance to either truth-seeking, or the obligations that truth, once known, demands.

               President Biden is now determined to establish “The Truth Commission,” which hauntingly echoes George Orwell’s prophetic book, 1984.[3]  Biden’s ploy is, on two grounds, utterly absurd.  Firstly, in doing so he and his followers (“the blind leading the blind”) betray complete ignorance of the limits of intellectual certitude.  It is for example a basic tenet of scientific inquiry that under the best of circum-stances (when the scientific concern being addressed is closely-connected to mathematical data, e.g. physics and chemistry), proof is not possible for the reason that humans are vulnerable to their own biases, committing errors, and/or missing unforeseen variables.  Consequently, valid research demands checks-and-balances in order to minimize errors.  Further, when research turns to more complex and even controversial areas of science such as biology, and the challenges that it presents, including viral and bacterial theories, the possibility of approaching consensus is increasingly difficult.  More serious still, however, when scientists seek to apply theories to the challenge of, for example, life-or-death consequences in multifaceted contexts such as a pandemic, then reaching an effective strategy demands assembling not only fully-informed and qualified, but also unique minds who are granted the freedom to challenge the status quo by actually following the evidence where it leads (FEL).[4]

               The solitary means for intellectually seeking complex scientific (or historical) truth is by the strategy known as “Inference to the Best Explanation” (IBE).[5]  On the one hand the means for the simple falsifying of an erroneous hypothesis is relatively simple, though not directly constructive.  On the other hand, IBE works to answer questions or address actual problems by first of all agreeing on the nature of the phenomena that is being addressed.  Only after that step is substantially[6] completed do scientists then propose their hypotheses which seek to account for the problem.  Thirdly, the competing conjec-tures are scrutinized by all to determine which one most adequately accounts for the challenge.  Now, it shouldn’t be hard to see how this research strategy is completely defied by Biden’s Administration.

               Indeed, one glaring example of a schema that contradicts the FEL dictum is evident in the determination of the New York Times to paint Elon Musk as inherently racist solely by association for reason of his being raised in South Africa (SA).  Although the facts indicate that 1) Elon had Black friends as a youngster, 2) his father belonged to an anti-racist party, 3) Elon left SA in order to avoid participating in its army, the “investigators tweets to the contrary exposed their failing aim to defame him. [7]

[1] To the charge that this is an invented (non-existent) word, I reply that the folly that the Left is exuding is utterly without parallel in history.



[4] H.D.P. Lee, tr. Plato. The Republic. (Penguin, 1955), # 394, p. 133. ** See also my essay, “No Truth? Then No rationality! And No Enduring Society,” at my website,

[5] “Stephen Meyer on Intelligent Design and the Return of the God Hypothesis.” (45:00f).

[6] Investigation guided by scientific methodology entails ongoing refining of the relevant data in light of ongoing research.


Continue my essay at "Crocodile Tears Over Musk," at my website,