Monday, August 23, 2021

The Inept Band of those who are “Wise” in their Own Eyes

 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and improper conduct” – Romans 1:28 

Every human being is by definition finite (as opposed to limitless) and consequently has NOT the capacity to infallibly know the answers to complex clusters of concerns that actually exist (as opposed to being abstractions).  Consequently, every governmental leader who orders citizens to take actions based on the leader’s private certitude, is, on its face, an intellectual fool.  While tyrants may claim “scientific consensus” for their views, they fail understand one primary purpose behind the scientific method is to insist both on assembling every relevant body of evidence and deliberating on all relevant hypotheses.

Anyone who rejects the concept of morality as an obligatory code which both specifies right and wrong and has as its source a transcendent personal being (God), undermines on rational grounds their self-acclaimed “moral” authority to forbid viewpoints and courses of action that disagree with them.  By rejecting morality, “leaders” have only their gut from which to rule.  For this reason they have no right to impose their imperatives onto others.  Chinese Communist Party Chairman, Mao Zedong stated what logically follows from his views, that, “Political power grows from out of the barrel of a gun.”

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Exposing the Intellectual Fraud of Marxist Dogma

               The largest stars that scientists observe are so much bigger than our Sun that if one of them, say, Stephenson 2-18 (S-2-18), replaced our Sun, Saturn’s orbit would track inside it (8:52, 9:43).[1]  In comparison, our Sun is as small as “a grain of dust.” (9:22).  So the enormity of S-2-18 could easily wow us! Yet only our much smaller star can provide the conditions we earthlings need in order to exist and even thrive.[2]  By contrast, supergiant star S-2-18 is on its “death-bed.”  Having burned up most all of its gas, it lacks the gravity needed to keep holding its’ huge yet nearly empty shell together.  It is about to collapse into an explosion that will dissipate its’ remains out into space.  Size isn’t necessarily superiority!

               Similarly, Marxist Socialism (MS) today in America is posturing itself as an ominous force for cultural overthrow that is accelerating with apparently unstoppable momentum.  Despite the 20th Century’s track record of failure across Asia and Eastern Europe (a fact “academics” today suppress),[3] socialism is capturing the hearts of 40% of Americans aged 20 to 40.  Nevertheless, the alleged gravitas behind such boasting is illusory.  MS dogma is as unstable as a house of cards because it is NOT premised on a body of facts, but only on assumptions of flawed “dead white men” (Rousseau, Hegel, Marx…)[4] that were based on now-discredited science.  To give three examples: its flaws include firstly its dogmatic commitment to philosophical materialism.  This faith position insists that reality is limited to only physical entities.  That is, there is no God or gods; no angels, demons, or even souls.[5]  Yet this worldview is refuted in part by the scientific discovery that the cosmos came into being out of nothingness at the Big Bang (BB).[6]  Only a God who exists outside of nature can bring this about!  Secondly, MS names Darwinian evolution (DE) as the very means by which nature moves toward completion.  Yet, among other matters, two transitional chasms in the path of biological development unknown to Darwin (from rocks to organisms and the existence of information in the cell), are so vast as to be conceptually impossible to cross in the absence an overseeing intelligent Creator (God).[7]  Thirdly, MS assumes that humans too will ultimately be perfected whenever utopia is reached.  Yet historical evidence from the last hundred years utterly discredits these naïve beliefs that humans are progressing toward perfection.[8] 

Such clashes between MS and demonstrable facts, indicate concrete errors in the MS dogma.  And it even further discredits itself by its determination to hide its designs from the masses.  In order to further its own purposes as opposed to the peoples, MS demands imposition of these governing ploys:

·        Control media and news content

·        Censor both “unacceptable” points of view and events that damage its cause

·        Insulate State leaders from scrutiny

·        Refuse dialogue over opposing views

·        The State is the only moral authority

·        Pack schools with socialist “teachers” 

·        Force propagandistic ideas and rhetoric  

·        Resist scrutiny of government schemes

·        Severely punish dissidents

If the MS Agenda was persuasive and true, it would refuse to employ such thuggish and cowardly ploys!


[2] Hugh Ross. The Creator and the Cosmos. (RTB, 2018), pp. 207-8.

[3] Mark Levin. American Marxism. (Threshold Editions, 2021), pp. 10, 260.

[4] Mark K. Levin cites these three, Ibid., pp., 18f.

[5] See my paper, “The Case for the Soul,” at my website,

[6] See my papers, “Was the Big Bang the Big Beginning?,” “What Atheism Cannot Explain,” and “God’s Prints are Everywhere,” Ibid.

[7] Stephen Meyer. “The Origin of Life and the DNA Enigma.” Return of the God Hypothesis. (Harper One, 2021), ch. 9.

[8] See my paper, “The Inescapable Connection Between Socialism and the Murder of One Hundred Million captives.” Op.cit. (4).