Saturday, May 20, 2023

Socialism Led to the Murder of 100 Million Victims, Part 1

         As Lemmings follow one another off a cliff, naïve throngs today race toward their doom!

            By adding the suffix "ism" to the word "social," socialism perverts the innocent concept of an appreciation of people, by identifying a regime that robs every person of all of their rights, property, and security.  Yet mounting numbers today are clamoring for this very prospect.  

Socialism (SOC), by definition, stands in stark contrast to capitalist (CAP) economics as embraced by the United States Constitution.  SOC subjugates its people top-downward, while U.S. principles by contrast entail a “we the people” concept of a bottoms-up method of social oversight.  Please be aware that assessing the ramifications of these choices by ignoring the actual fallout from SOC, can easily obscure the magnitude of damage that is sure to follow any vision which portends to secure equity by way of brute force.  Although SOCs are quick to point out the poverty that likewise exists under CAP, SOCs fail to acknowledge that it is SOC alone which excludes the possibility escaping the poverty that pervades SOC virtually universally.  

            In addition to imposing top-downward force by the “governors” onto the “governed,” Socialism imposes further strictures on the latter that deprive them of rewards for their labors.  The slogan, “From each according to his ability to each according to their needs may, on the one hand, seduce any who seek to evade work, but on the other hand it necessarily withholds motivated people from the financial benefits of their labor, as well as depriving innovators of their organic successes, and also artisans from seeing their foresights unfold into actuality.  The fallout from these deprivations can be illustrated by observing two failed socialist states to the south of us including firstly Cuba.  Cuba early on thrived in prosperity; yet irreversibly has slid into chronic privation.  Likewise, in recent decades Venezuela fell from its status as economic leader of South America only to recently drop to the bottom, as socialistic overhaul predicts.

            These deprivations both inhibit peace within individuals and arouse conflict between neighbors.  Clearly, members of the human race are NOT uniformly driven by identical stimuli.  Viewed then solely under rational terms, it is not difficult to anticipate that enforced Socialism brings a death-knell to any notion of free self-determination for a vast portion of any population.  Not only is it statistically clear that socialistic economics does not  produce its goals, but they cannot possibly do so in spite of credibly threatening to punish all who resist the iron will of the state.  Such indeed is the socialistic rationale for the murder of both intel-lectually and financially-driven people by Socialist regimes.  So much as a hint of an internal independence of spirit, targets them as potential threats since they put to the lie the fable that untethered Socialism inspires loyalty to the state.  Pol Pot’s agenda indeed proves this principle by the cruelties and torturous deaths the educated class faced under his regime.  Such patterns of resistance, whether real or merely imagined by the "authorities," underscores the logical fallout of any governance that insists for all practical purposes on blind compliance by the masses to orders that are enforced from "the barrel of a gun."

To be continued...

             You may read the rest of this article found at  There you will also find my numerous footnotes.  


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