Monday, November 7, 2022

Did Global Warming Begin at the Industrial Revolution? part 1

The Daily American Newspaper

Somerset, Pennsylvania 

Dear Editor, 

In the 2/12 edition of the Daily American, virtually an entire page consisting of two editorials mockingly berated the “climate change” position of the Republican Party.  Both articles were filled with unsubstantiated bluster yet were virtually void of hard scientific data to corroborate the certitude of the Democrat agenda.  Likewise readers will in vain search the Democrat Party Platform on Climate Change website for that data.  I urge readers to note that absence for yourself.  On the other hand, the Left-leaning website, “Smithsonian: Ocean—Find Your Blue,” ( states, “Scientists agree that the changes in climate that we are seeing today are largely caused by human activity, and it's climate change that drives sea level rise. Sea levels started rising in the late 1800s, soon after we started burning coal, gas and other fossil fuels for energy” (bold-face mine).  Nevertheless this bald assertion is, to the contrary, unassailably false.  Anyone committed to “following the science” will realize that earth’s warming trends, indicated by substantial glacial feature remnants, will serve as confirmation that our planet has been warming ever since the close of the last ice age 18,000 years ago which, by my calculations, was long before the industrial revolution of “the late 1800s.”  I am deeply committed to caring for our environment.  But unless Democrats commit themselves to reconsidering the relevant data they obviously ignore; their warnings are suspect.

Gary Jensen, Pastor © March 10, 2020

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (NALC), Berlin, PA, USA 

To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. Why not address what the article actually says? Nobody disputes that the planet has been warming since the peak of the ice age. The Earth will always be changing. The alarming part is the rate of change that's occured since large-scale industrialization has occurred. The fact that sea level was steady for the last 2000 years but started rising after the industrial revolution, and even more quickly in the past few decades should be alarming. That the hottest years on record have been within the past 2 decades. This shouldn't be a partisan issue. Dismissing climate change as merely something that has happened since the ice age without considering any of the nuance about the rate of change is at best pedestrian. Denying climate change and removing human responsibility is not stewardship for the earth.
