Friday, December 25, 2020

The Broad Array of Cowardly Ploys the Left Employs

 The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousand-fold.” (Aristotle)[1] 

Con-fraud-ulations to the Left!  At every turn present-day Leftists of every stripe,[2] who parade themselves as champions of science and rationality, have exposed by their practices, their fears of submitting their positions to the light of scrutiny.  In actuality the Left habitually practices the following:

·        In their academic studies and personal research projects, Leftists both cherry-pick and seek for sources of choice that merely advance their prejudicial agendas, as opposed to seeking unadulterated truth for the purpose of correcting their views in light of compelling new knowledge.[3]

·        They censor data which conflicts with their agenda.[4]  This ploy has been vividly expressed both at a personal level by, for example, their refusal to watch footage of this past summer’s rioting that implicates the Democrat Party, and publicly, by the refusal of Google and Face-book-owned networks to broadcast the nightly damage on TV.[5]  Consequently both parties are guilty.[6]   

·        Certain Leftist politicians, especially, chronically refuse to engage in dialogue with people they differ with.  They instead prefer public grandstanding to submitting to give-and-take dialogue.[7]

·        They also refuse to answer questions about their official conduct that is highly-consequential.[8]

·        Similarly, the Left refuses to acknowledge their own mistakes even though they either magnify or even invent charges of, for example, systemic racism against people on the political Right.[9]

·        Similarly, with respect to accountability, they apply one standard to themselves while imposing another standard onto the political Right.  For example, the Left spent four years seeking to impeach Donald Trump (without any evidence), while now opposing investigating potential fraud in this recent Presidential race, in spite of substantial evidence that supports this claim.

·        The Left’s propensity to impose imperatives on others is incoherent and self-contradictory.  For example, although they reject morality for allegedly being conceptually invalid, they insist on compliance by individuals and they demand social restructuring in order to carry out decrees that are derived from the “insights” of unaccountable leaders of cancel-culture.[10]

·        During this recent Presidential campaign, the Left expressed utter indifference over the virtual absence of Joe Biden from the public eye.  In part this ploy shielded his real goals from public exposure.  Had Donald Trump campaigned similarly, the Left would have denounced him.

·        Biden campaigned on virtually no positive agenda and was held accountable to no criteria at all except for “not being Trump.”  Had the roles been reversed, Trump would have been vivisected.

The grounds then for seeking to recount the recent Presidential election results are that Leftism has in numerous ways demonstrably proven that there are no intellectual grounds to trust them at all!   

[1] Aristotle. “On the Heavens.” Book 1, ch. 5. (

[2] By “Left” I don’t mean the extreme Left, but every view that lies somewhere on the left side of the Left/Right philosophical/political spectrum.

[3] John M. Ellis. The Breakdown of Higher Education. (Encounter, 2020), p. 39,  ** and my blog posting, “The Choice: Flawed Liberators or Clueless Thugs?” part 1, August 8, 2020, at

[4] See my posting, “What Christians Must Understand about Truth,” Dec. 14, 2020. Ibid.

[5] My posting, “Willful Ignorance is Anti Scientific,” December 14, 2020.  ** and “Fox News Alone Visually Connects Rioting with the Democrat Party. Op.cit. (3).

[6] Ibid.

[7] My posting, “Leftism’s Glaring Cowardice,” December 9, 2020, Op.cit. (3).

[8] My posting, “When Refusing to Answer a Question is an Admission of Guilt,” December 20, 2020, at Op.cit. (3).

[9] My postings, “Merriam-Websters Attempt to “De-Racistify” Blacks by Redefinition,” July 18,19, and **  “Harris’ and Biden’s Naked Lies about Donald Trump’s Racism,” October 9, 1), Op.cit. (3).

[10] My posting, “The Self-Contradictory Core of the Cancel Culture Agenda,” September 3, 2020, Op.cit. (3).

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