Friday, April 12, 2013

Ten Facts Which Challenge the Rationality of the Atheistic Claim Part I

The entire cosmos came into existence out of nothing through the Big Bang.  This truth overthrows the previously-reigning scientific paradigm that the universe had always existed.  On the other hand it affirms the opening verse of the Bible which declares, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).  This absolute beginning out of nothing is a scientific discovery, but it is not a scientific explanation for existence for the simple reason that neither matter, nor energy, nor space, nor time existed prior to that beginning.  The Big Bang therefore lays bare the enormous challenge of existence which itself demands an explanation: where did it all come from?  Christianity asserts the existence of a transcendent, all powerful and intelligent Creator not as a theological stab in the dark (the so-called “god-of-the-gaps argument”), but instead as the only conceivably rational explanation for that beginning.  Atheism by stark contrast provides no answer to this challenge whatsoever. 

The Big Bang beginning exudes design.  It was not a chaotic explosion, but rather an exquisitely orchestrated one whose details affirm an Intelligent Designer.  For example the total mass of the universe, the rate of its expansion, both the strong and weak nuclear forces inside the atom, the electromagnetic force, and the strength of gravity, etc., (over 20 factors in all) were all precisely fine-tuned to the very high demands that were required in order for the universe to be capable of yielding life of any kind.  By contrast, when an allegedly mindless beginning instead is posited, the chances that such an outcome would result in a habitable cosmos are virtually zero.

The fact that our universe had an absolute beginning removes the so-called “eternity of time” that Darwinism had relied on to allow for the development of the array of life forms found in nature (from amoeba to human beings). The actual history of the universe as measured according to Big Bang chronology reveals that on Earth the “window” of opportunity when the conditions first became habitable on the one hand, and the measured first actual appearance of life on the other, was vastly too short of the required amount of time for even the most primitive forms of life to arise by purely naturalistic means.  James Watson (co-discoverer of DNA), against his own personal bias, conceded this is so.
The presence of a meaningful language in DNA (the amount of information each strand contains is equivalent to the contents of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica) that directs the multitude of processes within every cell logically demands a Personal Intelligence (God) to account for its existence.  The atheistic materialistic vision of the origin of the cell, on the other hand, utterly fails to account for these phenomena.

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