Saturday, October 24, 2020

Rioting Gone Wild; But Why “No Longer?”


            If you have rarely, if ever, tuned to the Fox News Network, you may not have noticed that the unbroken chain of one hundred+ nights of rioting in certain cities across America has largely stopped, since you were never duly informed of their occurrence in the first place.  I am not aware of any actual announcement from any news media that that upheaval had stopped.  The indications that this change is indeed so, is only apparent because of the sudden silence about this matter by Fox News specifically.  It alone is to be singled out regarding this issue, for the reason that every other TV network has intentionally withheld videos of the rioting from appearing on their newscasts.  The only articles addressing this issue at all emphasized instead that Antifa must not be connected to the kindling of some of the wildfires that have devastated Oregon in particular.[1]  How bizarre it is that, in regard to fires Leftists are certain of the innate innocence of Antifa, despite the fact that their riotous destruction is all documented on video.

            The clear reason for omitting an announcement is that such a declaration would almost certainly fatally damage the Democrat Party’s (DP) election chances.  Think about it.  Were Left-leaning news outlets to announce an abrupt ending of the rioting, it would raise the haunting question, “By what power or authority could you possibly make those thugs desist?”  Should such a command be not only announced publicly, but also be received by the perpetrators in a spirit of compliance, it would clearly indicate collusion (either directly or indirectly) between DP officials on the one hand, and a hierarchical-structured group of thugs whose goals aligned with the DP as opposed to the Republican Party (RP).  This connection would strongly indicate that the DP is prepared to create even terror insofar as it serves to advance its purposes.  Since this pragmatic arrangement would be abhorred by the vast majority of Americans, the only viable alternative for an effective strategy for DP leaders is to remove the dreadful scene of rioters who did their deeds unopposed by local Democrat officials, by dismissing them “quietly.”

            In either case, the fact that over the course of a hundred days DP mayors and governors encouraged the nightly devastating rioting by overtly resisting intervention from our President and refusing to protect either innocent citizens or police officers, indicated a harmonious cooperation between the goals of the DP and the anarchist movement in general.  This clear relationship between the two, however, not only condemns the DP in regard to its recent past, but also serves as a warning as to what almost certainly lies in the future.  If Donald Trump wins a second Presidential term, the warnings are clear from Democrats that the rioting will resume.  Does that not mean logically that if the DP actually prevails at the ballot box, terror will be on the table to the further advancement of DP “designs” upon our nation beginning shortly after?

[1]  On my search engine this article was surrounded by identical screeds.

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